Credit Guide and Complaints Process

About Us

Alpha Finance Pty Ltd
Level 2. 74 Astor Tce. Spring Hill QLD 4001
ABN: 93 151 835 040
Australian Credit License Number: 411447
Tel: 1 300 463 466

About This Credit Guide

This Credit Guide gives you some important information about us, how we assess your application and information about our complaints process.

What we must do before we can offer credit to you

We can’t enter into an agreement with you or offer you credit, unless we’re sure it will suit your needs and that it is affordable. This means that before we enter into an agreement, we need to understand your needs and objectives and ensure that you can meet your repayment obligations under the agreement. To do this we will:

  • Ask you for details about your financial situation such as what you earn and what you spend.
  • Take steps to check this information such as asking for copies of documents and performing a credit check; and
  • Use this information to make an assessment about whether the agreement will be unsuitable for you.

An agreement will be unsuitable for you if it doesn’t meet your needs or objectives or at the time you enter it, it is likely you won’t be able to meet your financial obligations or could only meet them with substantial hardship. 

Copy of the assessment

You can ask for a free copy of your written assessment of unsuitability any time up to 7 years from the date we enter into the agreement with you.

If it is 2 years or less since you commenced your agreement we’ll get a copy to you within 7 business days. If it is longer than 2 years we’ll provide you with a copy within 21 business days.

We aren’t required to give you a copy of the assessment if we decide not to proceed with the agreement.

If you have a problem or a complaint

Alpha Finance aims to provide the highest customer service, which includes the handling of complaints. If you have a complaint about our services or our products we want to help you resolve it.

Step 1 – Contact us

Please call us on 1 300 463 466; we appreciate there are times when our phones become particularly busy, as an alternative use our website to make contact if more convenient for you: we will do our best to resolve your issue

Step 2 – Contact our Complaints Manager

If your complaint cannot be resolved through Step 1 and requires escalation, you can contact our Complaints Manager via email

Our Complaints Manager will work with you to try to resolve your complaint.

If we can’t resolve your complaint

If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you can take your complaint to our external dispute resolution provider Australian Financial Complaint Authority (AFCA).

Their services are free of charge.

Contact: Australian Financial Complaint Authority
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Mail: Australian Financial Complaint Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Kind regards, Alpha Finance Customer Care