Alpha Finance Disclaimers

All information found on this website is provided by Alpha Finance, with Australian Credit Licence 411447. Nothing on this website should be considered or is constituted to be legal, taxation or financial advice.

Before you make a decision about the products and services on this website, take the time to meet with your own independent legal, taxation, and financial advisors so you can fully understand your situation and if our product is a good fit for the current state of your finances.

All prices shown throughout the website is exclusive for approved customers only. Terms, conditions, and charges will apply.

These prices are determined by a number of factors. Including, but not limited to information you provide, as well as a financial assessment. Please note that all applications made to Alpha Finance are subject to a credit-approval criteria as part of the assessment process.

Customers are expected to follow through with the terms of their contract. That includes making the payments on time or risk the repossession of your vehicle.